Just for fun (either that or I'm just a sad person.....) I followed a link to a website that asks a few questions and then comes up with a Nerd Score. Here is mine:
So, depending on your definition of Nerd, I'm either a dull person with almost no social skills, or I'm a person that would rather study than party [ed: I think that sums you up quite well], or that I show a pronounced interest in subjects which others find dull or complex and difficult to comprehend - particularly in areas of science, mathematics and technology [ed: are you sure this relates to you?].
Well, any or all of the above may be true. But what I want to know is how to they come up with that score with so few questions? Its not enough I tell you. And, of course, the test is self selecting - only people who think they are nerds will actually take the test...and they then hope that they get a good Nerd Score. So I am now going to go away and redo the test - but this time answer in such a way that I should (I think) get a low Nerd Score. Here goes.....
Time passes....
Well, thats interesting - I had thought that it was biased towards giving high nerd scores - but perhaps it isn't.
So now I want to know what is the minimum number of questions required to determine whether someone is a nerd or not - and what those questions are - and clearly these are determined by how the questioner defines the term 'nerd'.
I have my own ideas......any suggestions?
ps: And who cares anyway?[Ed: not me, thats for sure].
Stay Gold, America
We are at an unprecedented point in American history, and I'm concerned we
may lose sight of the American Dream.
1 week ago
1 comment:
Re: "how the questioner defines the term 'nerd'."
In the Venn diagram of nerds and cool people, we would certainly be in the first circle, simply for using the Internet to discuss this issue, rather than to download porn and shop at ikea.com!
As to whether there's an intersection, and whether we're in it... I have a bad feeling!
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