I have found myself in a big whirlpool of uncertainty. Until yesterday I thought I had my course plans all worked out for the next two years. And just in time because the closing date for February course applications is tomorrow. But last night I hardly slept at all - something was bothering me and I had this sence that M363, which I was about to sign up for, was not the right course to do next. That surprised me because I hadn't really thought about it. But all night I had this running through my mind - almost to the point where I was questioning whether I should even sign up for another Level 3 course just yet.
But come the morning, and after a little sleep, it suddenly struck me that I should do M362 next. And when I thought that, I found that I felt relaxed again. From what I understand, M363 is a lot of theory (nothing wrong in that) and a little programming, whereas M362 has a greater programming content. And I think that is what has swung it for me - because I have been away from studying for a couple of years (apart from S194 - which I have really enjoyed!) I need something that I can do well, really get into, and if it isn't programming that does that then nothing will do it. After that is out of the way then it will be time for M363.
Unless I change my mind again tonight. Last chance though - tomorrow is decision day!
Stay Gold, America
We are at an unprecedented point in American history, and I'm concerned we
may lose sight of the American Dream.
1 month ago
Hi Simon,
You're right - there's a decent bit of "theory" in both, and both are netbeans-based, but M362 is much more "hands-on" and practical whereas M363 is far more about the process and the planning.
I've just finished both (and have the course PDFs handy) - if I can be of any help choosing, let me know - chris at robot ninja dot net.
Hi Simon,
I don't know M362/3 specifically (I've done the Level 2 javas, but did AI and interaction design at level 3!) but can relate to the situation, as I was in a similar one with some psychology courses...
In my experience a strong "funny feeling" like this - no matter how woolly or nebulous it seems to be (I try to be quite rational most of the time! being a computer geek and all that) tends to be telling you something, and should generally be listened to... If you suddenly have a sense that you should do a different course instead, (provided it's academically suitable etc) normally I would listen to that.
For me it was with SD805 (biological psychology, basically) which I had intended to do as part of the MSc but suddenly had this feeling I really didn't want to do it, and could do ED840 (child development) instead which I'd initially ruled out, then 'suddenly' realised this was the right decision.
Good luck with all of it anyway, either of those courses sound suitably geeky to me ;-)
Thank you Chris, and thank you Anna. You have both confirmed to me that I have made the right choice. Well, I hope I have - I just registered for M362 about 20 minutes ago!
Just brought down my old Java books and will spend a few days reading just to refresh the old brain cells.
'Geeky'? Yes, that's what my kids call me too! Oh, and 'Nerdy'.
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